About JP's Switchmania
Industry Interviews
So what is JP's Switchmania all about? It's a site dedicated to bringing you interviews with the gaming community, specifically focusing on the Nintendo Switch.
Personally, it's been a long time since I've felt a part of a community and I have the Switch to thank for that. There are so many amazing gamers from all walks of life that share one thing in common: We love the Nintendo Switch.
It is because of the Switch that I began conducting interviews for The Switch Effect (www.theswitcheffect.net), Gaming Boulevard (www.gamingboulevard.com) and most recently Switch Player Magazine (www.switchplayer.net). Regardless of the outlet, I am having the most fun when I can provide a platform to those in the industry producing games and content for the Switch. Their passion deserves to be seen and I hope this site accomplishes that!
So sit back, grab some cocoa, and enjoy learning more about the people and studios bringing you some of the best games to my favorite Nintendo console!
Also, if there is someone you want to learn more about, reach out to me and let me know. I'll always be happy to ask!