JP'S SWITCHMANIA is proud to welcome Jason Cohen, Marketing Coordinator at PowerA to share about his background, gaming passion, and life at PowerA. From high quality controllers to cases and more, let's learn about the US-based studio bringing you affordable accessories to our favorite Nintendo console!
Thank you for speaking with us today. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Yeah, my name is Jason Cohen and I am 24 years old. Born in LA, but moved to England (die-hard Liverpool fan) for five years when I was three. After that, I moved to Seattle and have been here since (outside of going to Southern California for college, Chapman University). I double majored in business administration (marketing emphasis) and philosophy.
What was the first console and game you remember playing?
I think my first console was the Nintendo 64 and the game I started with was Super Mario 64. I think I was 5 when I got the console so I am not sure how well I played at that age but I beat the game eventually, haha!
What is your fondest childhood video game memory?
I have two younger brothers and we always compete against each other, especially with video games. I don’t know if it was one specific memory, but growing up playing Super Smash Bros. on the GameCube with them really takes me back.

Growing up, was video games always a passion and an area you wanted to eventually work in?
I have always been a huge gamer (big fan of JRPGs and open-world or isometric RPGs). My favorite game is probably Oblivion, but I also love a good game of FIFA. Always thought it would be cool to work in video games, and its definitely been a worthwhile venture! Love working in an industry I have a passion for.
Let's talk about PowerA, a U.S. based company focusing on high quality video game accessories. For those who don't know, can you give us a brief history on how the company was founded and what products they provide to the market?
PowerA was established in 2009 to build innovative accessories for the world’s best interactive entertainment. We provide gaming accessories for major gaming consoles like Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and 4, and Nintendo DS and Switch. Our specialty is in power solutions and cut and sew products (like kits and cases), but we also make controllers as well as audio solutions. We want to provide functional quality products at an affordable price to enhance the gaming experience at home.
PowerA provides a large range of products, from controllers and headsets all the way to collectible pins, storage cases and more. Can you describe the process on how its decided what will be offered by PowerA?
We work closely with our partners (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Activision, Minecraft, etc.) while looking at the current market trends to determine which products we should be making. We try to stay ahead of the market in order to always have products that the people want ready to go for the next game or console release. Our designers and product developers work diligently to create the beautiful and functional products we sell. There is a lot of ideation and collaboration behind the production of each product and the styles offered.

What would you like to see PowerA provide to Nintendo Switch owners that they are currently not selling today?
Hmm, that’s a hard question haha. I guess I would like to see PowerA make a charging dock for the Switch that works the same way as the one that comes with the console. It would be nice to have an affordable dock to use for other areas of the home so I can play Switch in different rooms on the big screen.
Going back to you, what is your role as Marketing Coordinator?
We are a small team, so my role is a little more widespread than my title conveys. I support marketing for the channel and e-commerce. But I also manage customer service, social, and help out with event planning and content creation. There is also a lot of market research that I do for various projects or considerations we want to deep dive. Ultimately, I do whatever it takes to help drive our marketing team and PowerA’s overall goals.
What is the best aspect of being part of PowerA (it's the coworkers, right?!)?
Actually, you are 100% on point. The co-workers make this working for PowerA an absolute blast. PowerA wouldn’t be the same without the amazing people that we have. I am proud to be a part of such a good-hearted, hard-working, and talented team.

Since we are focused on the Nintendo Switch, let's get your thoughts on a few topics. First, what are your thoughts on the Nintendo Switch?
I actually was a little skeptical that it was coming out too early and that there needed to be more games available during the time of the initial release. But games have been coming out relatively fast and they are for the most part really great to dive in to. I think the Switch has changed the way we see gaming, enhancing the mobile experience to a console level was huge for the industry and the console itself is an amazing piece of hardware. Excited to see how the market reacts to this uptick in mobile play.
What is the #1 thing you're hoping gets announced by Nintendo in 2019?
Honestly, I would love to see more Japanese games come out for the Switch. I have always felt there was a plethora of amazing games that never make it to the US that are popular in Japan. It would be also be cool if they remade Chrono Trigger or Earthbound with Switch level graphics.
What game(s) are you currently playing and what are you looking forward to?
I kind of have a bad habit of starting a ton of games at once and I bounce around from game to game haha. So I am currently playing: Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Ni No Kuni 2, The Evil Within 2, Dishonored 2, Nier Automata, Wolfenstein 2, Bloodborne, Ashen, and Nioh. I’ll finish all of them eventually!

Finally, is there anything else you'd like to share with us today?
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