Reviewed by: Bradford “The Waffinator” Ekstrom
Price (At Time of Review): $24.70

Buy the Pixel Art Starter Set from EVORETRO's store here.
Do you remember - if you can remember this far back - in elementary school coloring pictures and using the colors based off of what ever number was assigned to the spot and it would make a pretty picture that got hung up on the fridge? I rather enjoyed it and miss the simple days like that. I still think it's a fun way to teach colors and numbers but at the same time I feel like it's time for something new, something fun, something that’s fun for everyone - teachers included. Families, need something else to do besides board games and movies for family night? Or how about all you video game enthusiasts, need something else to add some variety to your gaming hobby? Or just anyone that wants a fun arts and craft activity to add to their life to help relax and build something nice, well EvoRetro has you covered with their Pixel Art Starter Set that comes with 6800 perlers!

Now I have seen many characters and designs made from perlers but I never really wanted to try it. To be honest it kind of looked hard to do for me especially having A.D.D and usually bigger projects lose my interest quick. But I got the opportunity to try out the Starter Kit from EvoRetro and my mind was racing with ideas on things I could build. And having two smaller children, one about to turn 7 and the other just turning 2 I figured this would be a fun activity for me and my older son to bond and do besides playing video games. We could build the characters that we know and love. I went a little more simple with my first one, for I didn't know how easy or difficult it would actually be to complete and make. Well I went with the famous 1-UP MUSHROOM from Super Mario and he just went freestyle (letting his younger and creative mind go to town) saying he made a ball.

Using the layout boards supplied in the kit I noticed that even though the pegs are circular that the layout was more like a graph, like graph paper and looked up “pixel" designs online which I found to be a real help when trying to create the more “retro” style look, which to me is what this set is all about. Setting up and creating fun pixel themed objects. So for my kids second design I looked up the Pokémon ball but looked up the pixel version and because It was made using a graph layout it was easier for him to do because he was able to count out where each perler should be placed and what color went where and his pokéball came out pretty dang good if I do say so myself. For my second design I'm working on a very close to life size version of the Nintendo Switch and pushing myself for a cooler design already. I cant wait to share that bad boy so make sure to check Twitter for that one!

For the most part I have already talked about a lot of pros; great time killer, good hobby to add to any hobbies you may have already have, good family bonding, comes with everything you need (minus an iron), great color selection allowing for so many possibilities, great family bonding activity, and pretty much everything I have already talked about. There were only two cons I would say this set has. First, it could use a few more colors (like a light or more of a dull pink for example. Like I wanted to make Kirby but the set only has a bright pink whereas Kirby has a few shades of pink). Second, when I was making my life sized Switch there was a point where it was a little harder placing some of the perlers together, only with the Switch though; the 1-UP mushroom and pokéball seemed to piece together just fine so I found It a little odd, and to be more specific it was while using the darker blue making the blue Joy-Con. Other than those two slight mishaps I really couldn't think of any reason why someone wouldn't want this set or activity in their life.

I am beyond pleased with this starter kit from EvoRetro and can't wait to get another. You are going to see all kinds of crazy bad boys and designs floating the internet from what I make, I can promise you that. What I also like is because it's a starter kit if you don't end up liking it you didn't invest a whole lot of money into just to let it go to waste. Once last thing I liked about it, it's easy to leave your design on the pegboard and pick it up and complete as you can. Being beyond busy with work I can’t always finish a design in one sitting so it's nice having a hobby that I can pick up and go as my hectic life allows. I strongly recommend this kit and find me and tag me one Twitter if you want because I always love seeing what others do. What will you create with endless possibilities?
Score: 9.5/10
Buy the Pixel Art Starter Set from EVORETRO's store here.
*Review Product Provided by EvoRetro