STEAM PAGE COMING SOON! I am so incredibly proud of Mrs. Switchmania and all her hard work as she brought Sammy the Sock to life! Whether you are a fan of children's rhyming books, have a young one who's ready for an adventure, or just looking for an amazing gift, Sammy the Sock is for you. Grab your softcover or hardcover copy here!

Also, we're making a game! Here's our first teaser trailer to introduce you to Sammy the Sock: A Picturebook Adventure!
Do you wish your 1st Party Nintendo Switch games included an instruction booklet? Then you're in luck because my friend Rowan is here to save the day! Make sure to visit his website here to grab all the instruction booklets he's created as well as follow him to be kept up to date on future releases.
Sunday, January 15th
(NEW PRE-ORDER) Infinite - Beyond the Mind from Strictly Limited Games
Pre-Orders will be offered in two batches: Saturday, January 14th at 6 PM EST and Sunday, January 15th at 12 PM EST.
Tanya Cover

Olga Cover

(LAST DAY PRE-ORDER) Konami Arcade Classics Anniversary Edition from Limited Run Games
Open Pre-Orders for all three editions close on Sunday, January 11th at 11:59 PM EST.
The 8 games included in this collection are:
Scramble- The side-scrolling shooting game which started it all. It could be considered to be the original game which inspired the creators of the Gradius series.
TwinBee- The first game of the TwinBee series loved for its cute graphics.
Nemesis (also known as Gradius)- The smash-hit first installment in the Gradius series, known for its unique power-ups and enemies.
Salamander (also known as Life Force)- The second entry in the Gradius series which took the series to the next level with its upgraded gameplay and improved graphics.
Typhoon (also known as A-Jax)- The timeless shooting game that introduced ground-breaking sprite zooming and rotation effects that added depth to the graphics.
Haunted Castle- The arcade version of Castlevania which bewitched the fans with its haunting graphics.
Vulcan Venture (also known as Gradius II)- Considered by many to be the pinnacle of the Gradius series, memorable for its beloved music and top-notch level design.
Thunder Cross- The game that introduced many players to the shoot'em up genre, thanks to a more inclusive difficulty and unique design

The Classic Edition includes:
Physical Copy of Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection for Nintendo Switch with Reversible Cover Art
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection Soundtrack CD
Classic Konami Silver Box with art by Tom Dubois
Retro Style Dust Sleeve
Reversible 18" x 24" Poster

The Ultimate Edition includes:
Physical Copy of Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection for Nintendo Switch with Reversible Cover Art
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection Soundtrack CD
Classic Konami Silver Box with art by Tom Dubois
Retro Style Dust Sleeve
Reversible 18" x 24" Poster
Arcade Token Style Coin
Mini Konami Arcade Cabinet Replica/Movie Viewer- Plays video and sound only
The History of Konami Arcade Classics Boo
Vic Viper Metal Figure

Monday, January 16th
(NEW PRE-ORDER) Hyper Sentinel from VGNYSoft
Pre-Orders open at 10 AM EST. EVERYONE who reserves the STANDARD or ELITE Edition within the first 24 hours will receive an exclusive 1.5in CLASSIC SHIP enamel pin with their order! This pin is only a promotional item and will not be sold separately.

The Elite Edition includes:
Special metallic material cover sheet
Individually numbered cover sheet

The Elite Bundle includes:
Hyper Sentinel Elite Edition for Nintendo Switch
Hyper Sentinel Soundtrack [Cassette Tape]

(NEW PRE-ORDER) Nefasto's MisAdventure: Meeting Noeroze from Pix'n Love

The Retrollector's USA Cover Edition includes:
Nefasto's Misadventure: Meeting Noeroze game (physical edition) for Nintendo Switch and its Japanese reversible cover.
A 1980s/90s style cardboard box in a USA version, numbered to 500 copies.
A 64-page fully illustrated strategy guide.
The OST in CD format.
A hand-autographed poster of the Aurora Game Studio developers.

The Retrollector's Japanese Cover Edition includes:
Nefasto's Misadventure: Meeting Noeroze game (physical edition) for Nintendo Switch and its Japanese reversible cover.
A 1980s/90s style cardboard box in a Japanese version, numbered to 500 copies.
A 64-page fully illustrated strategy guide.
The OST in CD format.
A hand-autographed poster of the Aurora Game Studio developers.

Tuesday, January 17th
(NEW PRE-ORDER) The Bunker
Standard ($29.99) Limited Run Games
Standard ($29.99) Amazon
Pre-Orders open at 12 PM EST and close on Sunday, February 19th at 11:59 PM EST. Please note that this is a Distro title and also available to pre-order at Amazon.

(NEW PRE-ORDER) The Shapeshifting Detective ($34.99)
Standard ($29.99) Limited Run Games
Standard ($29.99) Amazon
Pre-Orders open at 12 PM EST and close on Sunday, February 19th at 11:59 PM EST. Please note that this is a Distro title and also available to pre-order at Amazon.

Thursday, January 19th
This is a JPN physical release with English support (according to the Nintendo JPN eShop page). To my knowledge, there are no plans for an ESRB and/or PEGI physical release at this time.

(NEW RELEASE) Football Manager 2023 Touch ($32.99) Playasia
This appears to be an Asia with English support physical release. To my knowledge, there are no plans for an ESRB and/or PEGI physical release at this time.

(NEW RELEASE) Hell is Other Demons ($37.01) from Super Rare Games - Limited to 3,000 Copies
Sales open up at 1 PM EST and is limited to 3,000 copies.

(NEW RELEASE) NeverAwake
JPN Premium (¥6,300) Amazon Japan
This is a JPN physical release with English support (according to the Nintendo JPN eShop page). To my knowledge, there are no plans for an ESRB and/or PEGI physical release at this time.

The Premium Edition includes:
Collector's Box
Original Soundtrack CD
Original Art Book
Magnetic Hook

(NEW RELEASE) Sword of the Vagrant (€29.99) from Red Art Games
Pre-Orders open at 11 AM EST and pre-ordering this edition before May 2nd, 2023, will offer you two exclusive bonuses: a 44-page artbook and a keychain! Double-sided poster included in every copy! Additionally, Limited Run Games' will be releasing the ESRB physical release later this year through their Distro Line.

This is a JPN physical release with English support put out by SuperDeluxe Games. The ESRB physical release distributed by Limited Run Games is still available to purchase at major retailers in the U.S. Please note that this first printing includes:
Collector's Box

Friday, January 20th
(NEW RELEASE) Fire Emblem Engage

The Divine Edition includes:
Collector's Box
Art Cards
Art Book

(NEW PRE-ORDER) Return to Monkey Island from Limited Run Games
ESRB Standard ($34.99 USD) Limited Run Games
ESRB Collector's ($89.99 USD) Limited Run Games
Open Pre-Orders for both editions begin at 10 AM EST and close on Sunday, March 5th at 11:59 PM EST.

The Collector's Edition includes:
Physical copy of Return to Monkey Island for Nintendo Switch
Return to Monkey Island Collector's Edition Box
Return to Monkey Island Original Soundtrack
Lechuck's Onboarding Pamphlet
Letter from Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman
Blowfish Stressball
Chum's Lure Pin
Collectible Nintendo Switch Golden Key
18" x 24" Poster

Limited/Indie Physical Publishers
Please note that due to the constantly changing availability and releases, I have decided to just provide links to the limited/indie publishers' sites. I encourage you all to visit their sites, see what they have, and support their continued efforts to help bring digital only games physically!
If I am missing any companies, please let me know so I can have them added.
Companies (Listed Alphabetically)
1Print Games - Main Website
Arc System Works - Main Website
Aspyr - Main Website
eastasiasoft - Main Website - Save 5% with code "POLANJP"
Fangamer - Main Website
First Press Games - Main Website
Flyhigh - Main Website
Forever Limited - Main Website
Funbox Media - Main Website - Save 5% with code "SWITCHMANIA"
GameFairy - Main Website
iam8bit - Main Website | Best Buy Available Titles
Idea Factory - Main Website
Koei Tecmo EU - Main Website
Limited Run Games - Main Website | Amazon Storefront | Best Buy Available Titles
Maximum Games - Main Website
NGDEV - Main Website
Nicalis - Main Website
NISA - Main Website
Numskull Games - Main Website
Omake Games - Main Website
Pix'n Love - Main Website
Pixelheart - Main Website
PM Studios - Main Website
Playasia - Main Website
Red Art Games - Main Website
Rice Digital (same link as Funstock) - Main Website
Serenity Forge - Main Website
Signature Edition Games - Main Website
Skybound - Main Website
Special Reserve Games - Main Website
Strictly Limited Games - Main Website | Partners' Available Titles
Super Rare Games - Main Website
SUPERDELUXE Games - Main Website
Tesura Games - Main Website
Thunderful Games - Main Website
VBlank - Main Website
VGNYSoft - Main Website
Video Games Plus - Main Website
Wired Production - Main Website
Companies No Longer in Physical Publishing
B-SIDE Games (Closed Shop on 8/31) - Main Website
Dispatch Games (Published a few games, but then never shipped out the next wave of pre-orders. Currently, they've put out a message on Twitter saying they are still producing, but I'm leaving it here for now) - Main Website
Physicality Games (Website still offering Mastiff titles, but not publishing titles under their Physicality brand) - Website no longer active
Ultra Collectors (Liquidated their remaining inventory and do not plan to continue physical publishing) - Main Website
Warned Collectors (Never published a game, but stole people's money) - Main Website
That's it for this week! What are you getting? Comment on Twitter and tag @JPSWITCHMANIA!
Ahh, thanks so much for making me aware of the physical copy of Return to Monkey Island before the pre order, i've been hoping for this. I will be counting the days down!